It’s so long since I wrote about anything I’m consuming so I’m not sure where to start. I unfortunately swore off basically everything except the 2004 version of Battlestar Galactica for a while, convincing myself that it’s worth watching because I can put it on in the background (lol). Honestly, I’m no media critic so all I can say is that it’s extremely of its time and I think that’s why I’ve enjoyed watching it so much. It comes from the post-90s era of gritty TV scifi that is gloriously camp and I can only hope that in another 20 years we can look back at the current crop of Apple TV hard scifi and it comes across looking just as silly and extravagant.
I saw Dune 2, which was fine, honestly nothing about the series excites me. It’s definitely a good film, but the fanaticism I see in others has never been sparked in me so it mostly comes across as long, tiring, beautiful and overworked.
Had great delight in catching Star Wars Episode 1 in its brief cinema re-release a few weeks ago, if only because my parents didn’t let me watch it as a child and I didn’t have to get their permission this time. Suck it mum and dad! The film is fine, I like the lightsabers but I was sad that they didn’t reinsert the deleted scene which highlights the wife and newborn child of one of the podracers shortly before showing him crash and die in a massive explosion.
I found a folder with an archive of my DJ USB from circa 2014 and I regret not trying to become an Ibiza poolside DJ.
From Nathan