email from Nathan (Item 26, Recently,)

I’ve been reading Rachel O’Dwyer’s Tokens. Not really because it’s apropos of anything I was studying, but because it was the most recently-added book on my ereader on the 2nd January when I needed something to read, and then on the 3rd January I found a physical copy in a charity shop and embarrassingly in my post-Hogmanay haze it felt like fate. Regardless, I like it, though regarding crypto I preferred David Golumbia’s The Politics of Bitcoin just because Golumbia is much spicier. Although! I’m only halfway through Tokens, so the heat might be on the way, and also it’s not really a fair comparison given that Tokens isn’t a crypto book so much as a book about our lived reality being mediated by non-fiat currencies.

In December I played through several very dull hours of Gotham Knights to complete the main story, because it was very cheap in a sale and I was craving an Arkham game. I washed my mouth out by playing Arkham Origins, seasonally appropriate, a rare video game set at Christmas. Don’t play Gotham Knights.

I read one fiction book last year (The Memory Police by Yōko Ogawa), I didn’t have a lot of free time and honestly I couldn’t find any fiction that kept me past a few chapters. Enjoying The Handmaid’s Tale right now though, which is obviously great and has set me up to get back into it so I’m keen for any fiction recommendations! Please!

I’ve moved into a new studio space in Glasgow, big windows at street level, lots of natural light and it’s given me an opportunity to put this giant Trinitron CRT that I got given a few years ago to some use displaying work in the windows. Through the year I’m aiming to develop this window gallery into something concrete, with a programme of events and ideally some funding(! please let me dream). Some images here, I’m still prototyping how the curation and setup will work but in the meantime drop me a line if you have any work you’d like to show.